This site is one of my faves. It features Australian beauties and let me tell you they are beautiful. The girls on the site are amateurs. The site was originally meant to attract lesbians and the men that love them. They have evolved some and have some boy/girl scenes. One difference I noticed about the Australian girls is there tends to be a bit of timidness when they are going into their scenes. I find it endearing and we have to remember we are dealing with amateurs that aren’t used to having sex in front of the camera.
A membership will allow you access to all of the HD videos on the site. There are also photo galleries that are full of high-res images. You can stream the content without any limits. There is a 40GB limit on what you can download daily but I doubt many people even come close to that. Every day they are updating videos as they are working hard to make sure you have the most current materials. Join today and you can get 58% off with our discount to Girls Out West.